Empowering Governments To Build Recovery-Oriented Systems Of Care

RSG is your trusted partner in comprehensive addiction recovery services.

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About RSG

Addiction recovery is a complex process that requires a multidimensional approach. Click to learn more about our methods and values.

Our Services

Our experienced team collaborates with governments and policy makers to enhance and expand recovery systems. Read about some of our services below.

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Our experienced team analyzes existing systems and services, identifies gaps and offers actionable recommendations for improved addiction recovery efforts.

Program Development And Implementation

We design and implement recovery programs aligned with government needs. We promote sustainable recovery outcomes by using our evidence-based initiatives that address prevention, treatment, and ongoing support.

Capacity Building

Tailored learning resources enable officials, service providers and policymakers with the skills and tools needed to support recovery-oriented systems of care. Through the Recovery Training Institute, we provide a suite of certification programs, resources and community of practice.  

Policy And Advocacy

We offer guidance in developing recovery-oriented policies aligned with research and best practices. Our team collaborates with government officials and advocates for evidence-based approaches to drive positive change in addiction recovery systems at all levels.

Research And Evaluation

Our experts will assist in the design and implementation of state of the art methodologies to assess and determine the effectiveness at the individual, group and community levels.

Ready to get started?

We Work Collaboratively, Ensuring That All Stakeholders Are Engaged In The Process

RSG is your trusted partner in comprehensive addiction recovery services.

 Why Choose RSG?


Our team consists of professionals with extensive experience in addiction recovery, healthcare management, and policy development.

Customized Solution

We understand that each government has unique needs and challenges. Our solutions are tailored to address their specific goals, ensuring maximum impact.


Our services are grounded in the latest research and evidence-based practices. We stay abreast of emerging trends and advancements in the field to deliver the most effective solutions.

Proven Track Record

Over the years, we have successfully partnered with numerous government entities and policy makers to transform their addiction recovery systems into recovery-oriented systems of care.

Dedicated Support

Our team is committed to providing ongoing support and guidance throughout the entire process, from the initial needs assessment to the implementation and evaluation of programmes.

Impactful Change

Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals affected by addiction. We are passionate about creating systems that prioritize long-term recovery, reduce stigma and promote holistic well-being.


Contact Us

Let’s work together to build a recovery-oriented system of care.


Local: (825) 480-7111

Toll Free: (833) 502-2185



The evidence is that the majority of people who experience substance use disorders achieve recovery. At RSG, recovery is not only a possibility, it is an expectation.

Dr. Paul Sobey, RSG CMO