Beccarian Correctional Care specializes in implementing therapeutic and recovery-focused programs within correctional facilities. Beccarian is committed to reducing recidivism and enhancing the rehabilitation process through innovative care models that address the complex needs of individuals.
Addiction is a significant driver of criminal behavior in Alberta, contributing to high incarceration and recidivism rates.
An estimated 70% of individuals in Alberta’s correctional facilities have substance use disorders, with many also suffering from co-occurring mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Despite the high prevalence of addiction among inmates, many correctional models in Alberta historically emphasized containment over rehabilitation.
This has resulted in a "revolving door" phenomenon, where individuals cycle through incarceration due to untreated substance use and lack of post-release support.
Data from the Alberta Ministry of Justice indicates that 60% of inmates with substance use disorders reoffend within two years due to inadequate treatment and support. Further, 80% of individuals on remand have a documented history of substance misuse.
The Government of Alberta partnered with Beccarian Correctional Care to implement an Embedded Treatment Model, delivering addiction services directly inside correctional facilities. This innovative approach brings structured, evidence-based treatment to individuals in critical need.
Correctional facilities house individuals most in need of treatment.
The structured setting supports intensive treatment without external triggers.
Addressing addiction during incarceration reduces future criminal behavior and supports sustained recovery.
Beccarian developed a therapeutic community model within correctional facilities to deliver intensive addiction treatment, recovery coaching, and life skills training. This comprehensive approach not only addresses addiction but also builds personal responsibility and prepares inmates for successful reintegration into society.
Beccarian Correctional Care's embedded treatment model offers a full-spectrum recovery pathway designed to address addiction holistically, from in-custody care to community reintegration. This model is strengthened by therapeutic programming, evidence-based clinical services, and cultural supports that ensure no individual is left behind in their recovery journey.
Through a network of recovery-focused correctional programs, Beccarian creates meaningful change—breaking the cycle of addiction and incarceration while building safer, healthier communities.